Year 2000 Population 9,520 Year Round Residents |
Population increased 58.3% between 1990 and 2000 |
Summer Population swells to 60,000+ |
There are no campgrounds on Nantucket (not allowed) |
  Land Area 48 square miles |
  Approximately 3.5 miles wide by 14 miles long |
Latitude N41°16'39" Longitude W70°06'10" |
25 miles SSE of Hyannis, Massachusetts |
There are no traffic lights on the island |
  There are no fast food chains on the island |
There is a significant deer population on the island |
The island has one newspaper (The Beacon and The Independent are gone) |
The NRTA provides island wide seasonal fixed route bus service |
ACK - FAA call letters for the airport taken from the original airstrip called "Ackerman Field"
The average home price (2007) was almost 3 million dollars |
Nantucket has suffered significant erosion in recent years