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2007 Nantucket Christmas Stroll Report — For broadband users click here to see the 2007 Nantucket Christmas Stroll in pictures with music. This is a 9.4 Mb file and requires Windows Media Player v7 and up.

Friday Afternoon/Evening Photos
The 2007 Nantucket Christmas Stroll started out with perfect Friday afternoon weather. Temperatures were in the low 40's with little wind which resulted in a relatively smooth ride over on the 3:15pm trip of the Hy-Line fast ferry Grey Lady along with a beautiful Nantucket sunset.
Very calm leaving Hyannis
Getting closer to Nantucket
And closer
Brant Point Lighthouse

Saturday's weather was quite different than Friday. It was sunny but frigid with a biting wind. Temperatures were in the 20's with winds that approached 30 mph at times. The "Find Your Twin And Win" game was again non-existent this year. This is the third year in a row this has happened. Hello Nantucket Merchants Association where are you? Perhaps it's time for someone else to step in here and save something very important to the stroll. We attempted to contact Courtney O'Neill, President of the NMA several weeks in advance of the stroll, but received no response. The crowds appeared to be much thinner this year. Not sure if it was caused by the very cold and windy weather, the winter storm threatening New England Sunday night, or something else. In some ways it does appear that the Nantucket Christmas Stroll is leaning towards just becoming a shopping event. One thing that seemed to be more widespread this year was sales. There were some very good sales with some entire stores at 50% off.
The Hub had the entire store at 25-75% off. Expressions of Don Freedman, entire store 50% off which is his standard Stroll sale but he has a bigger store with more stock this year. Claire Murray had a 50% off any one wool rug sale. Nantucket Boat Basin had 50% off the entire store. Lots of t-shirt/clothing sales. Too many sales to list all of them here.
Because of the bitter cold and wind, the popular Straight wharf raffles that run from 2:45 to 5:30 pm even had problems. Many people left early and the last few raffles were pushed up and they all ended by 5:00 pm. Many tickets were pulled trying to get a winner (Ticket holders have to be present to win).

SSA fast ferry Iyanough departs Nantucket
60 new White Elephant private hotel residences begin constuction
Youngs bicycle shop
Damage left over from hurricane Noel
The Coast Guard was very visible
Strolling up Main Street
The Pinewood Morris Men near the food tent
Country Village Real Estate trumpeters.
Town Crier Curtis Barnes heads for Main Street
Click here to see what Curtis thinks of Nantucket summer visitors.
The schedule of events
Main Street crowds were a bit light this year
Joe Zito with one of his puppets
The Nantucket Puppet Players
Joe Zito and his puppet players were the big attraction on Main Street this year
The Black Dog Schooner sailed over from Marthas Vineyard and had tours and lots of free giveaways - notice the flags - it was very windy all day
The G.S. Hill Gallery raffle that everyone wants to win
The Pacific National Bank Christmas Tree - yeah it looks a little deficient - maybe it is indicative of the 2007 financial markets
Main Street at night
Nantucket Craftmasters is always nicely decorated
Just a window display

Sunday turned out to be cold and sunny with relatively calm winds. Most people were still walking around frozen from Saturday. Sunday evening travel proved to be a challenge for some. Those heading North to Boston had no problems. Those heading West through Massachusetts found cold temperatures and freezing rain. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation had the Mass Pike in great shape. The highway was well salted and travel was normal. Those heading into Connecticut weren't so lucky. The highways were iced up and cars were off the road everywhere. Interstate 84 was closed in West Hartford because of a five car accident (two fatalities) caused by an ice covered highway. Where was The Connecticut Department of Transporation? They must have been home sleeping.

The Killen Family Christmas tree Sunday morning at 7 am
Easy Street Boat Basin early Sunday morning
The Coast Guard patrolling the Harbor
The SSA fast ferry Iyanough taking stroll visitors back to Hyannis
Straight wharf was deserted Sunday night
Lots of ice in some areas of New England Monday morning

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