This site was born out of the love of Nantucket and computers. We have been visiting Nantucket for many years and have captured our knowledge, photographs, and experiences on this website. Our goal is to provide a place where someone can go to learn all about the Island of Nantucket from a visitor's perspective. While every attempt is made to portray accurate information, Nantucket is a dynamic ever changing place, just like the rest of the world. We cannot guarantee 100% accuracy. Please verify with other sources the things that are important to you. Most of all, make reservations early. January, February, or March is a perfect time to get prime reservations.
All pictures on this site, with the exception of the Photo Spotlight page, are our copyrighted photographs and they may not be used without our written permission. Please don't steal them — we have logs that we check periodically and we will find you. The pictures are a mix of scanned photographs (taken before digital cameras), and true digital images. The old photographs are in the process of being replaced with digital photographs where possible. Feel free to use our message board. We have put a significant amount of time into this website. Please notify us if you find an error. We will do our best to correct it. Lastly, enjoy our photo galleries, and if you patronize a business that you discovered here, please tell them you saw their business on We appreciate it.
email: webmaster at
Copyright ©2002/03/08/14/17 — — All Rights Reserved